Teddinder Singh Chadda

Teddinder Singh Chadda - we christened him about a fortnight ago.. well he came all nude wrapped in a gift paper on my birthday 11th dec...by podgy, i always wanted him to wear something (lest someone files a case of obscenity)..so me n mah lallu champ roomie went to the new born babies section, well hesitatingly asked for new born babies shorts (more sophesticated word coined by Ms champ).....ahh....we were almost dreaming of him in some snazy check shorts..the shop keeper said "NO, we don't have 'em!" , "damn", she said we have pajamas, but dear teddinder is not blessed with long legs....naah...the pajamas would not help, then who will say the word Under.... , i mean ....how do we ask...do we look like mothers?? NOPE...except for the greying hair..we do not...
ok finally i say...show me some under.... for em..."OH!" okay she says...shows me some white ones with weird women in em...how can i make my male teddy wear em...so i finally pick up a bugs bunny one..!
Like this was not enough....when all gathered for new years at my place...they suddenly decided to make him a sardar...phew...now does the snap explain the title???