The Dream Venture...
This is the story I would tell my grandkids ....
Me (Granny) - Once upon a time there were two girls Fatso and Moti. They stayed together for almost two long years. They met at a common office and grew an instant liking for each other. They revealed their secrets to each other and the bond grew stronger. That is when they decided to get a house together. They hunted and hunted and settled for one. Everyday, after a hard days work they would cook for each other and eat together. They would sometimes go to their respective rooms and cry hard cuz they would have spoken to their boyfriends and it would be a bad day. But not even one night would pass when they would not know which one of them is having a bad day. Though, one can tell from their sizes, that they were more happy in life than sad and hence their names.
They were crazy about shopping and they went out on a spree on the first day of the month to splurge and eat golgappas/ sweet corn after that.
Grandkids - Why first day?
Me - Because that is the day their salary got credited in their bank accounts...
Anyway, they were true believers of the fact that good + expensive shampoos can do wonders for your hair (Sigh, that didn't work much). They also went to the best of the parlours for all sorts of beauty treatment..ofcourse, that worked well to make them feel good. Somedays, they would just fall of the bed laughing out loud on each others stories as kids. Ofcourse, they began to grow dear to each other ....
They both had a dream...Fatso loved saress and Moti loved silver jewellery...they both wanted to do something together and open a shop which would have both these things. In their minds both of them had almost pictured a shop done vibrantly and beautifully which they could call their own - FaMo (Fatso + Moti)...err....well the name had not been finalized yet, the place almost yeah.
But then Moti had to move out, her boyfriend finally asked her to marry him (haha) and fatso still stayed at that house. They are in touch and still very good friends.
Grandkids - Granny, but what the hell happened to the dream?????
Me - firstly, never say what the hell (I should make them learn some good things too) and secondly that part, some other day...its yet to go down in the pages of history... :). Goodnight!!
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