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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Mujhe "Gitak" chahiye...

Well I was very scared that I would miss the mango season by the time I get back to India. But nope, I didn't :). Can I be happier????

I simply love this fruit...and I have yet to see someone who doesn't like it- even Puff loved it, he ate it with his both paws holding it tightly. Of course, his pretty white face turned yellow at the end of it and any such mango eating event led to his bath the very next day. this was the first time I ate em with my laws. Since Pojj was not around, I was being a lil conscious. But as soon as MIL kept mangoes in front of me after dinner and started peeling the skin off....I almost spontaneously said - "Mujhe GITAK chahiye", you mean ghutli? Yes, I do....they both shared their grin and I didn't know why. As a kid I have always learnt to call it "gitak" :(...ahh there came the cultural difference (Punjab Vs. UP). I got my share and I was happy. Apparently, Pojj is also the same, I was told by them..he always reserves his ghutli so no one could take his share. What a shame that me and Pojj never ate mangoes together in the past years that I have known him. :(. But....we think alike!! AHA...

Thereafter, anything to do with me, mangoes and MIL...has to have the word "gitak" in it :), they find it cute....and I don't have to get rid of my habit.


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