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Friday, August 08, 2008

"I want something radical"....

Somedays when you are feeling really low...go spend that huge fat income in the fav picks would be
  • a hair span (L'oreal)
  • a pedicure
  • a manicure
  • a face clean up which smells yum n suits ur skin (I am not so stuck up about full facials, of course once in a while is ok)

Of course, Pojj thinks I visit the parlour a lil too often...but often falls in love with the after effects of all that I get done, so he just completely forgets about cautioning me about the spendthrift visits ;).

But once in a while...just go out a tried n tested parlour n tell ur hair dresser to give you something "radical"....the after effects of that can be mostly very very interesting for yourself. Almost every time after the haircut I feel very refreshed and mostly satisfied. The hair has a new recently what I got is very chick...and the first few days...when I would wake up after my sleep n look at myself in the mirror...I would just smile..looking at my baby curls :), btw did I ever mention that Pojj is all gung-ho about my baby curls being back (after my stunt wid straightening). Well, see even that was radical...of course that radical came with the after effects of tooooo much hair fall. Believe me I spent a lot...but it didn't work out...

So, there you time...turn all lows to highs...wear ur nice outfit...even if its a pleasant khadi kurta with jeans ...and go and ask for something radical ...something chick....feel nice!!! :P


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