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Of me, Pojj and Life in general as I see it...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

8 months and still kicking :)

Yes it would be Pojj and me...its been 8 months since the D-day ...and we are still very happy...ummm....very very happy.
There is a thing about monthly anniversaries, at least till we get on to the yearly ones which would be soon enough. To begin with, we both just knew we had to get married, but how when what, we didn't have a clue. The story of how things worked a long one and deserves a separate post. And no, for most people who know me...we have not torn each other apart....a message / hug is still as important for it was.
I am still crazy about Pojj's way of lighting up my day, it could be something as simple as coming home yesterday I was out in the evening expecting him only around 8:30 pm, and he comes back by 6:30 pm tries to call me... (my ring tone which I am unable to hear still, if the phone is in the bag - see things have not changed)..then messages me..."Where are you?" , I read after 15 odd mins...and reply..."Just out, why?", he replies - "I am home :(", Damn...I could almost see the sad face ... I felt terrible and rushed as soon as I could...hmmm...and there was tea when I reached...what better in the rainy season :)

I think I am getting attached ...even more attached to him with every single day.... :) and I like it much much more than ever before, as time passes by.

Cheers to the 8th which we completed last 16th ..................


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